September 2015

"Imagination is more important than Knowledge"
Albert Einstein

We can possess all the knowledge in the world, but if we do not have the imagination to apply it...., it is worthless.

A lack of imagination could even hinder our ability to learn. My son, who is in the Air Force, just finished learning Farsi at the Army Defense Language Institute in Monterey. Only 20% of everyone that is accepted to go to Monterey graduates. My son committed himself to learning the language, and he knew that he held more than enough knowledge than was necessary to pass the course. What he lacked was engaging his Imagination to See, Feel and Hear, himself pass. Because of this, he was unsuccessful at passing one portion of the test. He was one of only a few that was allowed to retake the test, causing him even more stress. After talking about what had happened, we realized that all that was missing was his Imagination.

We then worked on building his Trust and Belief in Himself and engaging his Imagination. Throughout the days that followed, he committed himself to Seeing, Feeling, and Hearing himself succeed. He then retook the test and passed!

We can study hard and learn many things, but if we do not combine what we learn with our Imagination, it will eventually fade away. Combining our Knowledge with our Imagination Empowers us to create a successful path to make our goals and dreams a reality. Dedicate the Month of September to Engaging your Imagination. The possibilities are endless!


August 2015

I ran across this story and thought it was incredibly Powerful.

A group of students was asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of the World" Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes: 1) Egypt's Great Pyramids, 2) Taj Mahal, 3) Grand Canyon, 4) Panama Canal, 5) Empire State Building, 6) St Peter's Basilica, 7) China's Great wall.  While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many." The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help."  The girl hesitated, then read: "I think the 'Seven Wonders of the World are": 

1) To See, 2) To Hear, 3) To Touch, 4) To Taste, 5) To Feel, 6) To Laugh, 7) To Love.

The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in the day to day Chaos . . . that we forget how truly Blessed and Wonderful "We" really are.

Dedicate the Month of August to appreciate how incredible You are. To be aware of your very own and Powerful "
7 Wonders"


July 2015

From the outside, a caterpillar looks like nothing more than a furry worm with legs; but on the inside resides a beautiful Butterfly just waiting to break free and soar!

We are all like the caterpillar, each and everyone of us. It is not what's on the outside that represents our authentic self, or our true Beauty. It is what is within us. The trick is in how do we step into the chrysalis and emerge as that Butterfly.

It all begins with Trusting and Believing in Ourselves. Trust that you have a "Butterfly" within yourself, and then Believe that you have the Power to release it.

Dedicate the Month of July to acknowledging your True, Authentic Beauty from within, and then allowing that Beauty to radiate out in a Powerful way!



June 2015

A good friend of mine from the Marine Corp recently retired and went on a 30 day cross country motorcycle Journey from Wisconsin.

He came upon a Monastery and decided to stop and visit.

He said: " I talked to a Monk today . . . and he didn't have anything interesting to say."

We both found that very amusing and it got me to thinking.

Sometimes we go on Journeys seeking answers outside of ourselves. Seeking answers outside of ourselves will rarely lead to an "awakening." On the same token, waiting for someone or something to change, and then thinking that the resulting change will make everything ok, is a set-up for guaranteed failure.

We must Trust and Believe in ourselves first, and then allow that to guide us from within. We will then experience the life outside of ourselves from a much wiser perspective, allowing us to see that our true Power always rest within.

Make a commitment in June to become Empowered. This can be done by developing a solid Trust and Belief in ourselves. As we do, we will see how everything starts from within, giving us the power to Be in Full Control!


May 2015

Liar - Liar... "Im kicking my Ass!!!" video clip:

We are all connected, each and every one of us. Anytime "someone" makes you mad, angry, upset.....etc; what is happening is a conflict within ourselves. We cannot see, feel, experience what we do not already posses.

Our external experience, is always a reflection of what is going on within us.

Picture if you will, a Higher Intelligence... (which we are all a part of...), looking down upon us. Their observations of our human conflicts, (anything from personal arguments all the way up to wars) would appear exactly like the scene from the movie Liar Liar when Jim Carrey went into the bathroom and proceeded to kick his own ass.

We may think it is "Us" and "Them" but once we grasp that we are all one and the same, we will begin to understand how counter-productive it is to fight with anyone, because we will realize that we are only really fighting with ourselves.

We are . . . "Kicking our own Ass!!!

"The meaning of your communication is the response that you get" NLP presupposition.

Mis-communication is the number one reason we have conflicts. Developing an understanding based on the above NLP presup will Inspire us to take responsibility for our communication which will in turn create Harmony in our lives.

Dedicate the month of May to be in Full Control of our own communications and interactions.


April 2015

One important element in creating what we want is to learn to live on Purpose. Many of us go through each day living by default. We can (sometimes) take on the challenges we face, yet feel we have zero control. That is living by default!

Learning to Live on Purpose is developing an understanding that our Reality can be controlled. We are the creators of our own personal Realities. This can be a hard concept to grasp. A simple exercise may help us begin to see that we do create our own Reality, either by default, or on Purpose:

Take a few minutes to get in touch with what you Think, Feel, and Say throughout your day. Now, as you get in touch with your Thoughts, Feelings, and Words; notice now how what you are Thinking, Feeling, and Saying, reflect the reality you are experiencing. Take your time with this and really think about it. As you do, you will realize that your Reality is a perfect match to what you have been Thinking, Feeling, and Saying.

There are many keys in learning to Live on Purpose. A great start is to Pay Attention to what you are Paying Attention to. Build an Awareness of what you are Thinking about, how you are Feeling, and what you are saying throughout the day.

If what you are Thinking, Feeling, and Saying is not what you want your Reality to be...; then shift your Thoughts, Feelings, and Words to reflect what you want your Reality to be. By becoming Aware of what we are Thinking, Feeling, and Saying, and then shifting it to match what we want our Reality to be, we will create the Reality that we want. 

Try this for one month and have fun with it. By the end of the month you will be convinced of how Powerful you are!
Make April the month that you make a commitment to Live on Purpose and become... Empowered! 


March 2015

. . . A World Without War . . .

"World Peace"... It is something that is becoming more and more urgent.
What is World Peace?
Why does it seem so difficult to attain?
Why does it seem to be so fragile?

I feel there is something deeper than Peace, and I believe that something is Love, Harmony, and Understanding.

We can have Peace without having Love, Harmony, and Understanding.
But when you go deeper and have Love, Harmony, and Understanding first...,
Peace comes naturally and in a much more Solid and Powerful way.

Russia and the USA have been at "Peace" for a long time, but there has been no Love, Harmony, and Understanding, and as we can see the "Peace" is beginning to fall apart.

Anytime there is a conflict, of any kind; Political, Religious, Racial, or Personal, with family or friends; without exception, the conflict begins with MisUnderstanding.

We first need to commit to Understanding ourselves. That will help us to then Understand others, and as we do, Love and Harmony will begin to flourish. We will then have a Solid and Powerful foundation of Peace! 


February 2015

Life is meant to be Joyous, but then again . . ., "Life Happens".  

Unexpected events and situations occur that can force us to ask;  "Why?"  

"Why did this happen to me . . .?" 

"Why can I not . . .?"

"Why do I keep . . .?"

"Why is everything . . .?"

"WHY!!! . . .?"

Why???... well....  Why not?  What if the "Why" that is happening to you...  is actually happening for you?

What if the Why is meant to Empower you?

When an event or situation makes us ask ..."Why?", what if it is meant to make us think. . .?;  to Challenge us!

What is the difference between Why... and Y?


The difference is You!

Sometimes we can get lazy or complacent, or take things for granted.  

Maybe when a "Why" shows up in our life, it's not necessarily a bad thing.  

It may actually be meant to Wake us Up, to Inspire and Motivate us!  

 The "Why" is just a way to Empower.... You.

Make FebruarY the Month You become Empowered and in Full Control!!!



January 2015

Ahhhhh... there is nothing like a fresh new year, full of unlimited possibilities and untapped potential.

Remember what Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Make a commitment to yourself to change the things that are not working for you. You can start by simply beginning to become Aware. Begin to make an effort to really pay attention to what you are paying attention to. Ask yourself if this thought is moving me forward or backwards, is it helping or hurting, is it depleting me or Energizing me?

When we first begin to pay attention to what we are paying attention to, it can be a huge awakening! The first few weeks most people are taken back by how many negative or self-limiting beliefs they actually think each and every day.

When we change our thoughts, we change our reality. When we pay attention to what we pay attention to, we shift from living by default to Living on Purpose.

"Ignite Your Inner Torch" and make 2015 the year you become Empowered!


December 2014

The end of November is always a beautiful opportunity to reflect on all of the things that that we are Thankful for. This in turn strengthens our Appreciation and Gratitude, Empowering us to Be in the moment as we journey through December.

December can be a very hectic and stressful time of the year when we think about all the things we need to accomplish. Finding the time for shopping, decorating, baking, sending cards out, working, and getting time in to see family and friends can be a daunting task.

We can turn the potential Chaos that December may bring into Power by making it a point to Be in the moment; to enjoy the journey. A useful process to accomplish this is to breakdown everything that needs to be done into small, easy to accomplish "to-do's". Get it out of your head and onto paper, then begin to "Chunk" it down into more manageable tasks. 

There is something magical that happens when we make the effort to write our thoughts onto paper. As we begin to "Chunk" down our "To-do's", we begin to see things differently. All of a sudden the Chaos is gone and we become Empowered.

By taking control in this way, we will allow ourselves to Be in the moment and enjoy the journey. Too often we are either at points A or C, completely missing the B. A and C are just the means to and end. Life's journey is in the B; in the Being. We are after all, Human Beings.

This month make a commitment to Empower yourself and enjoy the journey by Being in the moment. Make 2015 a year to Be in Full Control!


November 2014

I was recently sent a question, which got me thinking...
The question was worded as follows:  

Hey There,
Hope all is well.
In your opinion, is a thought about "not liking someone" a negative thought?

If that someone is me... Then, yes, it is a very negative thought!!! : )

My actual opinion is that it is not a negative thought unless you allow it to affect you in a negative way. This in turn results in you effectively giving away your Power.

I think it would be almost impossible to "like" everyone.  To truly know how you feel about someone requires some insight. Here are 2 methods that can help you evaluate your thoughts/feelings when you "don't like" someone.

1) See if you can "Love" them.
We can Love someone but not "like" them.
What ever it is that we Saw, Heard, or Felt within another that caused us not to "like" them could always change.
Being able to Love unconditionally is a Powerful place to be. It will allow us to see them deeper than what they are showing from the surface.

2) Dig deep and see if there is anything about them that is being reflected from you.
We can not "see" anything that we do not already possess. Sometimes that someone who we "do not like" could be in our lives to simply help us see ourselves more deeply.

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves."
Carl Jung


October 2014

A friend of mine shared with me that in her relationships she is always "one foot in - one foot out" This got me thinking and I realized from talking with a lot of people that this is actually very common.

When we approach a relationship, or even life, with "one foot in - one foot out" we will develop a type of security blanket... Serving a purpose in one way, but limiting us in many others.

The problem with this type of security is that it gives us a false perception of protection from getting hurt, and the illusion of being in control. It will also limit us in not allowing life to play out its full circle, which is critical for growth.

If we do not fully commit to a relationship, or life, then how can we honestly expect anyone else to?

Not committing totally by having "one foot out" is like dancing on "one foot". We can do it, but it will look and feel awkward, and we will always be out of sync. The "dance" is much smoother and more beautiful when we use "both feet."

Making an agreement with ourselves to always start any relationship, and life, with both feet in and fully committed will allow us to fully enjoy the "dance." Remember to stay committed and complete the "dance"... don't anticipate a stumble and step out before it has actually happened. Allow for a stumble or two until the "dance" is complete.

In order to seek out the true capabilities of each relationship, we must allow ourselves to be fully committed to our partner; both professional and personal. By staying in the "dance" we will learn the limitations and capabilities of each relationship, eliminating any false expectations and giving us the power to be in Full Control.

We would not want to do the Tango with a Two-Stepping Cowboy. Our commitment with our Tango partner will be totally different than it will be with the Country dancer. By being committed with both feet in, we will be able to get the best out of each and every relationship.

Just be sure to always allow yourself to fully enjoy the Dance..... with, "Both Feet"!!!!


September 2014

Forgiveness, like Appreciation and Gratitude, is a Powerful attribute to have. The opposite of Forgiveness is Resentment.

Resentment robs us of our strength, weakens our Integrity, and limits our perception.

"Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind"
Robert Green Ingersoll

Not allowing ourselves to forgive keeps us stuck in the past. It creates Resentment, which never fixes or solves anything, and will ultimately result in only hurting ourselves.

Forgiveness is not letting someone "off the hook"; it is the opposite. Forgiving someone is actually holding them accountable. By forgiving we are making a statement that we are in control of our Power.

There are also times when we need to Forgive ourselves. Forgiving ourselves is an act of Learning: Growing and Letting go of the past to Empower us for our Future.

Forgiveness allows us to move forward. Forgiveness gives us Strength, builds our Integrity, and gives us the Wisdom to see Unlimited Possibilities... allowing ourselves to Be in and Stay in Full Control.


August 2014

Each morning when we wake up and go through our day, we will: on purpose or by default, negatively or positively, influence someone or something.

A lot of times we are in default mode, not aware of our own Energy and Power, or the effect it can have on situations and the people around us; including ourselves!

Try this: Set a stopwatch for 2 minutes. As soon as you start the stopwatch, frown. Frown for 2 minutes, paying attention to the emotions and the feelings you have.

Set the stopwatch again for 2 minutes. As soon as you start the stopwatch this time, smile. Smile for 2 minutes, paying attention to the emotions and the feeling you have.

Notice the different energy you are able to create by a simple frown or smile. Now if you put feelings and emotions behind that frown or smile, you will supercharge it!

This is also what you will be giving to others as you go through your day, either by default or on purpose. Being aware of our Energy, and of our Power is the first step to being in Full Control.

Set your day:
Make it a point that the first thing you do when you rise in the morning is to set your intention for the day. This is such a small but extremely Powerful act. By setting your intention for the day, you have chosen to be Proactive; to be aware; to live on purpose and to be in Full Control.


July 2014

"If you have built castles in the air your work need not be lost.
That is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."

Henry David Thoreau

Our Imaginations.... Our Dreams....
Our Visualizations... Our .... child-like... "Pretending"

This is how everything.... Everything..... becomes reality!

But there is a Dance....
A . . . Give and Take....
A . . . Ying and a Yang
An . . . Ebb and Flow

Life can seem to test us at times....
Pushing and Pulling...
Giving and Taking...

Why is this?

Maybe.... To see,
How deeply we...
Believe in our Dreams.....

How deeply we...
Believe in ...... Ourselves!

As Elsa Joy Bailey said.
"Don't let other people's opinions burn holes in your dreams"
Believe in Yourself!

When we truly ....... 100% .... Believe in ourselves..........
Is when the Magic Happens!
Creating Unlimited Possibilities!

Develop your own Powerful Foundation:
Acknowledge and take ownership of the Amazing soul that you are, and then,
Step into your Greatness... Believing in Yourself!!! And let the Magic.... Transpire!!!


June 2014

"Don't let other people's opinions burn holes in your dreams."

Elsa Joy Bailey

Everything you see around you started with a Dream.

A Dream that kept growing stronger with Imagination.
Imagination that stimulated Inspiration.
Inspiration that created Motivation.
Motivation to turn it into a reality.

Dream Big
Dream Colorful
Dream Out loud!!!

And then take Action!


May 2014

"Change the story and you change perception;
change perception and you change the world."

Jean Houston

Albert Einstein's definition of Insanity is, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

If what you are doing is not working for you then change the story. Change how you see things; how you think about things. Step back and see it from a disassociated perspective. To disassociate is simple yet powerful. All you have to do is see yourself in the situation or event as if you are watching yourself in a movie.

When we allow ourselves to disassociate we are able to see things from an elevated perspective and a neutral place. From this place we can see many different opportunities and choices that are not available when we are "in" the event.

We always have choices. The challenge is "remembering" that we have these choices and then to take action to put ourselves on a brighter path that coincides with our desires.

Disassociation allows us to change the story, to see different paths.
Disassociation is a Powerful place that will put you back in Full Control. 


April 2014

"Life" is always, without exception, ready for us to take it by the horns and.... LIVE!

Even when we choose to turn our backs on "Life" ... to feel alone in "Life".....

.......We never.....Ever... are.... alone!

No matter how much we may try... for whatever reasons... we are... Never - Ever... alone... "Life" always...on standby....... to LIVE!!!

Sometimes, and more than not..... we need support to instill hope, to remind us that Life is always ready and waiting for us to Live it!!!!

Hope is available from many places.
A friend or loved one...
A random acquaintance...
A community...

The most powerful place to find Hope is the belief in being a part of something greater than ourselves. Whatever that is for you.

The Magic begins...
when we acknowledge that we are...
"A part of"...
Not separate from...something greater than our individual selves.

We are then open to allow Pure Positive Energy to move through us

Inspiring ...
Motivating ...
Encouraging Us ...
To Live Life and assuring us we are never ever alone!

"Sticks in a bundle can not be broken"
African Proverb



March 2014

"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the Sunset."
Crowfoot, a leader of the Blackfoot nation

If we let it, and sometimes before even noticing it . . . Life can get away from us. Work - Responsibilities - Deadlines - even our hobbies and "fun activities" can put a strain on our time. As we are juggling all our commitments, it can seem like life is just passing us by. We are going though the motions, but we are not.... "Living" life. We are constantly at either "A" . . . or . . . "C" and we completely miss the . . . "B". . . We completely miss the, "Living" . . . the . . ."Be"ing. Being present . . Being in the moment . . . Being aware of and appreciating the ever changing Now! 

For the month of March make a commitment to yourself to . . . "Be."
Be Present.
Be in the Moment.

Pick a morning to Be with a glass of ice cold refreshing water, or a cup of your favorite tea or coffee. Don't just drink it... Be with it! Notice how it looks - the sounds you hear - how the glass or cup feels in your hands, and then against your lips. How it feels as the liquid passes over your tongue, glides down your throat, and into your body.

Take a walk by yourself or with a loved one and Be aware of all the beauty... Be aware of . . . The Sights - The Sounds - The Feelings you have. Pay attention to your breath, breathing in pure oxygen, feeding your body with health and vitality.

When is the last time you gave yourself the gift of witnessing a Sunrise or Sunset? Not just watching one, but really Being present with one? Dedicate just 1 morning and 1 evening this month to fully experience a Sunrise and a Sunset. Find a perfect location and allow yourself to totally absorb what you See - Hear - and Feel; to completely Be with the Sunrise and Sunset.

Caution, this could all. . . Be . . . addicting! : )

A . . . Be . . .C



February 2014

"The inner struggle is extremely difficult for all of us, because we all have faults, severe ones, that we will struggle with forever.... It's wise to accept that faults are inevitable. Factor that in and keep going."

Alice Walker

I agree that we all have faults that come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. I also agree it is wise to accept we all have them and to keep going.

However, it is my belief that we do not need to "struggle" with them. I feel we should acknowledge them and see what we can learn from them. Be curious about the "faults" we have. Ask a question to yourself. "What is the purpose of this fault I have? What can I learn from this? How can I improve or be better? What is this "fault" of mine not allowing me to see? Or, is it causing me to see a distorted reality that hides a part of the complete picture?

We can be in control by learning what our faults have to teach us; not repressing or fighting against them. As we are asking our questions from a point of curiosity, we can gain even more Power by inquiring from a Disassociated Place. By seeing yourself as if you are in a movie asking the questions, you will have insight from a Higher and more Powerful Perspective.

The next time you feel you are "struggling", take in a deep breath. As you release your breath, allow your body to become completely relaxed. As you continue to breathe long deep breaths, visualize or imagine seeing yourself from above. The answers that come may surprise you. The Control this gives you will Empower you!

