"Life" is always, without exception, ready for us to take it by the horns and.... LIVE!
Even when we choose to turn our backs on "Life" ... to feel alone in "Life".....
.......We never.....Ever... are.... alone!
No matter how much we may try... for whatever reasons... we are... Never - Ever... alone... "Life".....is always...on standby....... to LIVE!!!
Sometimes, and more than not..... we need support to instill hope, to remind us that Life is always ready and waiting for us to Live it!!!!
Hope is available from many places.
A friend or loved one...
A random acquaintance...
A community...
The most powerful place to find Hope is the belief in being a part of something greater than ourselves. Whatever that is for you.
The Magic begins...
when we acknowledge that we are...
"A part of"...
Not separate from...something greater than our individual selves.
We are then open to allow Pure Positive Energy to move through us
Inspiring ...
Motivating ...
Encouraging Us ...
To Live Life and assuring us we are never ever alone!
"Sticks in a bundle can not be broken"
African Proverb