February 2016

Truthfulness - Responsibility - Inner Strength - Commitment = “TRIC”


“TRIC” gives you the keys to create Awareness and Success. 


In November I covered the “T” in the “TRIC” process, December, the “R”, January, the “I”, and this month I will cover the “C”. 

Key# 4)   Committment:

   We are all committed to things that are important to us in our lives - family, loved ones, friends, jobs, relationships, and hobbies. Now is the time to commit to yourself! Make yourself just as important as you do to the family, friends, jobs, and hobbies.
   Make a commitment to yourself, whatever that commitment may be, and take it seriously. It’s important and you deserve it! This is your life, that you get to create any way you want. Building a Powerful Trust and Belief in yourself will Empower you to stay committed to your Dreams and Goals, causing them to metamorphose into Reality.

    The fourth and final key, “Commitment”, is very important. As we move towards our Dreams and Goals, we will always come across obstacles and setbacks. If we do not stay committed, these obstacles and setbacks may become overwhelming, causing us to give up.

    When we Trust and Believe in ourselves, we will buckle down when hardships occur, allowing us to stay committed and accomplish anything we want!

Commitment = You have “Ignited Your Inner Torch” by making a commitment to the most important person……. YOU!!! Dedicate the Month of February to making a Commitment to build a Powerful Trust and Belief in yourself! Each night before you go to bed, and First thing each Morning, say to yourself 10 times:

 “I Trust and Believe in Myself”

