" For many years, at great cost, I traveled through many countries, saw the high mountains, the oceans. The only things I did not see were the sparkling dewdrops in the grass just outside my door."
~Rabindranath Tagore~
It is natural when we feel lost or confused to seek outside ourselves in the attempt to feel better or to find answers.
As we try harder and harder to find the answers outside ourselves, we can become more and more exhausted, confused and overwhelmed, creating a feeling of hopelessness.
These are the times that we have forgotten about the beauty and wisdom that lie within each of us. Unfortunately going inside is the last place we seek, but is where our power resides, just waiting to be sparked.
When we do stop to search within, either on our own or through the guidance of someone we trust, we are able to tap into our own reservoir of wisdom, where we find an endless supply of inspiration, guiding us to the answers we seek.
Believe in yourself.
Trust yourself.
Ignite your Inner Torch and allow your Beauty to Shine from the inside out, creating harmony, grace and power. . .