You cannot get it, if you don't already Posses it
Lets say that again….. “You cannot get it, if you don’t already Possess it” One more time………. “You cannot get it, if you don’t already Possess it”
Now take a couple of deep breaths in and out. Then a few more…, really, really…, deep breaths. In and…, Out…, Continue to do this ”Deep Breathing” until you can feel yourself completely relax.
And now hear it again…, “You cannot get it, if you don’t already Possess it”
When you first read the statement…, you may have thought …, “Posses what?” But yet deep down…, you knew. As you asked again…, you still may have thought…, “Posses what?” And as you took several deep…, relaxing breaths. In…, and Out…, You may have still thought…, ”Posses what?” But I assure you, deep in your core, your Being was already becoming naturally in Harmony with…:
Simple…, yet Extremely…, and Unconditionally…, POWERFUL…,
For January, you Dedicated the Month to “Acknowledge” Yourself! Now it is time to apply it.
Everyone…, Each and EVERY ONE of US…, has a Unique and Beautiful Purpose. A very…, Unique, Beautiful, and POWERFUL Purpose!!! And here is the Key that we seem to so easily misplace…: Every PURPOSE is just as Important as any another!!! When you boil them all down…, when you take out all the “Outside” misguided influence…, everyone’s True and Authentic Purpose boils down to…, Love. Simple…, Powerful…, AUTHENTIC…, Unconditional LOVE!
We All, Each and Everyone one of us, has a Beautiful and Powerful Purpose that we must Acknowledge. The Magic…, The Power…, can only Flow when we: Stop looking from the “Outside”…, In. Stop waiting for someone or something “Outside” ourselves to Validate who we are. Stop comparing ourselves to other people…, to “Outsiders”.
Now is the time to Own It! Now is the time to Step into and OWN your Unique GREATNESS!!! Now is the time to TRUST and BELIEVE in YOURSELF!
You will know it when you have it because everything…, Everything…, “Outside” yourself simply begins to Harmonize from Deep Within.
You see…, with Unconditional Love: There is no Judgement There is no Politics There is no Race There is no Gender There is no Religion. There is no “Status quo”
There is…, Just…, ONE; and it is Pure, Authentic, and Powerfully Beautiful!!
Dedicate the Month of February to be in Harmony and Love Yourself…, Completely - Authentically - and Totally!!! Remember, you can not get it, if you don’t already Possess it.
Smile, Wade